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Back to the Drawing Board … or the Notepad

Now that NaNoWriMo is over (not that I succeeded even remotely in that endeavor), it's time for me to focus on wrapping up book three of The Redemption of Erâth. I've got twenty-two chapters completed, which means I've only got three chapters left to write. The last couple of chapters have gone surprisingly well, and I'm looking forward to the culminating events of the last few.

However, it's going to take some time. Book three has been the most difficult for me to write yet, having started it over two years ago. It's also the longest book of the series, at (currently) over 160,000 words (on a goal of 150,000). There will be much editing in this book's future, as well as (probably) some extensive rewrites, as I'm not entirely satisfied with the middle few chapters.

So what's the good news? I'm hoping to have these last three chapters done and dusted by the end of the year, at which point I'll be looking for beta-readers to go over the work in its raw, draft form and provide feedback on the plot, consistency and tone. (This will not be an edit request—I have a wonderful editor for those things.)

So let me know in the comments (or email if you have any interest in beta-reading this book; I'd be happy to provide a copy.

Many thanks!





NaNoWriMo Begins!

Good morning, everyone!

I just wanted to let you all know that I'll be participating in NaNoWriMo this year (or trying to, anyway), in an effort to complete the Legends and Myths of Erâth novella that I tried to start last year. I'll be posting each section/chapter as it's completed over at, so you can follow along as I'm writing.

The good news is that this is more a collection of short stories than a long novel, so it doesn't particularly matter if you follow from the beginning or not; each tale should (hopefully) stand well enough on its own.

So head over here to start reading now, and let me know what you think!




Ancients and Death, Continuation

Good evening!

I just wanted to update you all on the state of Ancients and Death, the third book of the Redemption of Erâth series. It was a real struggle to get through the past few chapters, and 19 and 20 in particular were a definite challenge. Thankfully, they're done and dusted, and I can (for the moment) put them behind me.

So now it's onward with the final part of the book: chapters 21 through 25. Chapter 21, A Retracing of Steps, is going much more smoothly, and I think a large part of this is to do with the fact that, after two entire books set in a medieval-esque fantasy world, I'm just more comfortable with that setting. The parts of this book that deal with Brandyé, in the technologically advanced, steampunk-ish world of the Ancients, has been really hard to wrap my head around and tell it in a way that doesn't seem completely out of place with the rest of the story.

Of course, I'll still have to revisit these troublesome chapters during the editing process, but at least they're written, and I don't have to write them again!

I'll be publishing chapter 20 this coming week, and hopefully chapter 21 will be complete by then. I'm really pushing to have this third book finished before December, so I can move forward with editing, and hopefully plan for a springtime launch of the book itself.

In the meantime, you can grab yourself a copy of the second book, Exileover at my Goodreads giveaway, or by downloading it from Amazon or iBooks for just $3.99. The first book is also available, of course, for $3.99 as well on Amazon and iBooks.

If you've been keeping up with the sporadic posts of Ancients and Death, what do you think of the switch between the advanced 'ancients' storyline and the more fantasy-style Elven storyline? Does it work? Let me know in the comments!


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Exile Giveaway Is Live!

With the conclusion of Virtual FantasyCon on Facebook, The Redemption of Erâth: Consolation and Exile are back to their regular price of $3.99 on Amazon and iBooks. Thank you to all of you who picked up a copy during last week—I hope you enjoy it!

However, not all is lost, because starting today, you can enter my Goodreads giveaway to win one of ten hard copies of The Redemption of Erâth: Exile directly from me, the author! The giveaway is live here, and there are already almost 80 people requesting a copy, so enter now!

As an additional bonus, those of you who win the hard copy of Exile will receive a redemption code to download Consolation, the first book, for free from Smashwords. This way you can keep up with the entire adventure, as some people have told me the second book is harder to follow without having read the first.

So head over to Goodreads now, and try your luck—it’s free, and you’ve got everything to gain!

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99¢ Epicness!

Okay, this is brief tonight—as a reminder, Virtual FantasyCon is going on over on Facebook all this week; stop by to chat with sci-fi and fantasy authors, learn more about their work, win giveaways, and get exclusive offers!

I was fortunate enough to participate yesterday in the epic/sword & sorcery day; today is sci-fi and time travel, and tomorrow will be fairytale/punk. Each day through next Sunday will host a different theme, and each day there will be opportunities to interact with authors and win things.

In celebration of this event, I’ve decided to lower the eBook price of all Redemption of Erâth books to just $0.99 across the board—that means you can get books one and two and the companion book History of Erâth for less than the cost of a cup of coffee!

Click to buy book one for just $0.99!

Click to buy book one for just $0.99!

Click to buy book two for just $0.99!

Click to buy book two for just $0.99!

These prices will be available all week, so there’s never been a better time to start an epic journey of Darkness through a land riddled with danger and fear.

Let me know what you think of the books, or the Virtual FantasyCon, in the comments—remember, interaction with authors is (for the most part) the best part of their day!



Virtual FantasyCon and Giveaway

I have some exciting news, everyone! This Sunday, I'll be taking part in an online Virtual FantasyCon—a week-long Facebook event where you can contact, interact with and ask questions of hundreds of different fantasy authors, all from the comfort of your own home (if you're not at ComicCon already)! Sunday is the 'Epic/Sword & Sorcery' day, and I'll be running a booth all day long to promote The Redemption of Erâth.

Along with being able to ask me questions and find out more about The Redemption of Erâth, both Consolation (book one) and Exile (book two) will be on sale throughout Sunday for just $0.99, so there's never been a better time to download a copy and get started on the epic adventure of Darkness! Follow the link below to register/show your interest.

Additionally, I'm running a Goodreads giveaway of 10 print copies of Exile, starting October 13. Head over to Goodreads at the following link to enter the giveaway, and potentially win your very own hard copy of the second book in my series!

I'm looking forward to talking to you all on Sunday, and please let me know if there's anything else you're curious about in the comments below!


Enter the Season of Writing


Enter the Season of Writing

It's funny to think that it's already September; autumn is coming, the days are shortening, the leaves are turning, and soon it will grow cold. It's the time of year for reading, cozied up by the fire … and for writing.

I tend to get most of my writing done through autumn and into winter. Part of this is because January is always New Year's resolution time, and my resolution is typically to write more. This leads to a burst of ferocious writing for a few months, which tends to peter out come March and April.

But autumn is just as productive for me; last year I edited and released the History of Erâth companion book, and finished editing the second book, Exile, in preparation for its launch in February. I'm looking forward to (hopefully) achieving a similar goal this year; if I can finish the third book, Ancients and Death, this autumn, I'll be able to release it hopefully some time early next year.

The only downside is that I often get very depressed in autumn, which means that my productivity can sometimes drop. The good news is I'm consistently taking my medication, and with any luck this will be the first year I make through autumn without a debilitating breakdown.

So here's to autumn, and great writing!



No News This Week

Ashamedly, I haven't done any writing this week to speak of. In my defense, I was visiting family in Portland, Oregon last weekend, and I don't have much time during the week to write. With that, here's a photo of a lovely river I visited instead of writing.



Chapter 15 Is Available Now

I haven't had much opportunity to write this week, as I've been pretty swamped at work with teaching and student evaluations. I did get some work done last Sunday, and I'm proud to say that Chapter 15 of Exile is completed, and the first draft is available to read over at I've made some progress on Chapter 16, but to be honest, I'm feeling a little lost.

It's a curious thing that this series, which started out portraying the life and struggles of one character (Brandyé), has suddenly started focusing much more strongly on what was initially a companion (Elven). Two of the five sections of the third book are entirely about Elven, without any mention of Brandyé at all. And oddly, I've found those sections easier to write. I've become more invested in the story and fate of the sidekick than I have of the main character. This is even getting to the point where I'm considering doing some terrible, terrible things with the main character, Brandyé—and having Elven become the true hero (Sam to Tolkien's Frodo, I suppose).

So now I'm back to a section of the book dealing with Brandyé, and I'm not quite sure where to go. I know where I need to end up, but I can't quite figure out a way to get there. I last left him captured by the enemy on the brink of a war that will engulf the entire world of Erâth, but I don't know how he's going to escape, and I can't think how he'll return. I'm confident I'll find a way, but it makes me feel like these sections are somehow weaker than those involving Elven.

Either way, the book will get written, and then edited, and then published. This will happen. And then, of course, I can focus on the fourth book. And the fifth … and so on and so forth. For now, all I can do is put my head down and concentrate on writing one word at a time. After all, a thousand mile journey begins with the first step.
